According to an expert on robots (go figure)….. There’s a study that was conducted on the 10 things we need to fall in love…..
1. Similarities. Because then it’s easier to imagine them liking you back.
2. Reciprocal liking, which is just a way of saying they DO like you back. <- THAT is sorta important right?
3. Desirable characteristics. Meaning their personality and appearance along with consistency should attract your senses.
4. Relationship readiness. It helps if BOTH of you are ready to be in a relationship. (TOGETHER) lol
5. Alone time together. NO! Your homies and home girls can’t roll with us every time we go out. Sorry, not sorry!
6. An air of mystery.
7. Social acceptability. The study mentioned it’s important that your friends and family approves. (ummmn, that depends)
8. They fulfill you in some way.
9. Excitement. You’re more likely to fall for someone when things are exciting.
10. An X-factor. NO, not a crazy EX that won’t leave the scene…. But something really specific you like about them.
WHELP…. I’ve read the tips… shared the tips…. time to use the tips…. Let’s not be BOO-less by Halloween!
Happy MONday!
LaTangela Fay ;0)